Monday, November 26, 2012

Banana Republican Party for Mango People !!

Following the threats created by the “Aam Aadmi Party(AAP)”  launched by Arvind Kejriwal, which is perceived to possess threat to business transactions of MR. DON (Damad Of the Nation) and other reality companies, if voted to power. Mr. DON on Sunday afternoon announced setting up of a new political party named “Banana Republican party (BRP)” to counter “Aam Admi Party”.  The new party is supposed to have financial backing from all major real estate companies and will act as a close UPA alley. The Election commission has secured a banana in hand symbol for the party.

The Banana Republican Party has confirmed setting up an all new five star office complex in a specially developed “Special Political Zone” with an investment of 800 crores of non-refundable interest free loans from large no. of Mumbai and Gorgon based Reality giants. Haryana govt. has agreed to provide 200 acres of prime land in the heart of Gurgaon City for free, has promised to cooperate and has shown its willingness and strong determination by transferring 3 IAS and 2 IPS officers.

While there was some initial unrest in Kongress party due to launch of this parallel organization, some members were asking why Damadji (DON) is starting his own party if he can easily join Kongress and claim Priministership or a Cabinet berth any single day. But Kongress president explained them that our Damad Ji is a person of high dignity and moral and quite entrepreneur in nature and is rather determined to start on his own. Mr. Zero Hero Sibble famous for his High IQ and Reasoning power explained the new Zero Loss Theory of the new Banana Republican Party, he explained how Banana shake has overtaken Mango shake business and similarly the new Banana Republican Party will eat out votes of Aam Aadmi Party and hence again a zero loss!!, he was applauded for his explanation with claps of all party members. Mr. @Hashi Tharoor also twitted: I can affirm now that cattle class will soon become a settle class!! which was re twitted 1100 times and 300 times Favorited.

Mr. DON while addressing press conference in New Delhi, looked very confident and declared his agendas and election manifesto. Some of the highlights were : 
  •      Free and compulsory interest free loans for all to multiply everyone’s wealth;
  • ·   Invalidating all kinds of auction processes (except party seats) and free distribution of natural resources and revenues among all;
  •      Dismantling the bureaucratic setup, as it is causing hardships for entrepreneurs and is the only obstacle   towards the path of development;
  •      Development of Agriculture sector with major focus over Banana Cultivation;
  • ·    Ban on dharna pardashan and protests. Only a single annual meeting of parliament as it is just a waste of time and money;
  •      More Sweat Equities for MPs, MLAs and their family members in IPL franchises;  
  •      Wildcard entry in parliament for Big-Boss and laughter challenge winners.
  •      Bharat Ratna for “Raju Srivastava” for his contribution to the society and the people.

He further announced to transform the life of  mango people to banana people and assured for a completely transformed India. From the same platform several eminent Khongress personalities holding bananas in their respective hands (as a gesture of unity cooperation and brotherhood) wished him all the very best and announced alliance with the new party. Mr. Sick Vijay Singh named new alliance as banana in hand !!

Disclaimer : All the views and information expressed in the article are completely fictitious and is intended for fun and entertainment purposes only. There is no intention from the author to hurt anybody's feelings, sentiments or put any kind of allegation on any one .

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ballistic Missile Defense Shield a Psychological Warfare

New Delhi : India celebrates seventh successful test of its home grown " Ballistic Missile Defense  (BMD)" system and hopes to install an effective interceptor missile shield for the protection of Delhi by 2014. On Friday DRDO successfully demonstrated the interception of two incoming ballistic missiles one of whom was a real target mimicking M-9/M11 class of Chinese Dong Feng short-range ballistic missiles while other was a virtually simulated target of 1500 km range class. While the quantitative aspect of the successful tests is a good confidence booster for the Defense Research establishments as well as for the Country facing so many serious Strategic Challenges from all around.

BMD system itself a very complex technology and no country has yet matured it completely. Effectiveness of these technology is a serious question of debate. BMD is something like a bullet to kill a bullet. Only a handful of such missile batteries are operational  world wide and seriously lack credibility to track down and shoot down the incoming threats. Patriot and THAAD Missile defense systems developed by USA, Russia with S-300/400/500 Variants, Israel with AIM, Indian PAD and AAD are some of the systems to count but none of these a 100% reliable solution against mid and long range missiles and almost ineffective against ICBMs. USA even after, had already invested more than hundreds of billions of dollars is still lacking the credibility to shoot down Advanced Russian and Chinese ICBMs. There are several successful and trustworthy counter measures like use of  Multiple Independent Targetable Reentry Vehicles (MIRV) where a number of separate reentry vehicles including the real warhead(s) and dummies enter into the atmosphere of enemy territory and fools the Fire Control Radars to escape identification, interception and hit the target, Several very high velocity ballistic missiles consistently change their speeds, height, and designated trajectory paths and therefore make it almost impossible to track and shoot them, Russia is said to mastered this technology.

In first and second gulf war USA successfully demonstrated interception of some Iraqi Scud missiles in real war situations but Iraqi missile were very outdated and short ranged, which are very easy to intercept and no conclusion can be derived from these successes for their possible defectiveness in today's era of modern warfare. Even today a large number of these tests conducted fail to yield satisfactory results and BMD system is therefore more a psychological warfare than a practical one. But on Psychological prospects, it provides you a distinct advantage over your rival and puts weight in your strategic and diplomatic actions, specially if you already own large armed forces with arsenal of conventional and non-conventional weaponry.  

An Anti Ballistic Shield for  major Indian Cities, major defense, strategic and economic installations would be a nervous situation for our conventional rivals like Pakistan and China. As we are already a nuclear state with one of the best, sophisticated and modernized armed forces in the world with almost all class of weaponry in our inventory ranging from all classes of Ballistic, Cruise missile to a widest portfolio of air defense infrastructure. In such situations no country would be able to use "Nuclear Blackmailing" for securing its Political and strategic interests as happened after Kargil war and after Operation Prakarm. We will be able to launch limited penetrative attacks inside enemy territory under a nuclear umbrella to break down terrorism infrastructure, training camps etc. and answer enemy in case of hostility like related to border disputes etc. Enemy would find herself in huge dilemma, whenever she thinks of nuclear alternative. Our cities and value assets would be considerably more secured and protected therefore if the enemy opts for a powerful nuclear first strike  to blow off our retaliation capability and cause major damage there would be complete uncertainty and darkness about the performance of our BMD system and if it proves at per with its planned objectives and protects maximum of value targets, a powerful  retaliation from Indian side (which on the verge of completing a nuclear Triad ) would not leave the enemy anywhere to escape. 

The said technology if installed in large numbers would give a new dimension to the foreign policy of our country and would provide spines to our political leadership to take tough stance over issues of border disputes, Kashmir Issue, Pak Occupied Kashmir, Terrorist camps in PAK territory, International Diplomacy, Chinese hostility etc. This technology is not just a technology in itself but a complete game changer. Our Air defense would get considerable boost with the Radar networks, dedicated satellites based launch monitoring systems, secured data networks, 24 hr air surveillance etc. which would make our air defense completely non penetrable at least for our Asian rivals. 

In few years India will receive Admiral Gorshkov and Indigenous Aircraft Carrier and along with present INS Viraat, for the first time we will have three operational aircraft carrier, Arihant class nuclear subs already going through sea trial with 4 others under construction. Air force receiving MMRCA winner Rafale aircrafts and Russian made Super Sukhoies (modified su-30)  and army with its own huge modernization plans there will be the best time to show muscle power and increase our influence in International Political and Strategic environment. We would be able to optimize our economic and strategic power to influence the world and play some formidable role in international politics and decision making. That will be right time to bid for the permanent membership of security council without any terms and conditions and we would be able to pressure our rivals and secure our political, commercial, economical and Energy interests any where in the world.